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Welcome 05/12/2009

Posted by aubrizzle in Uncategorized.
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This blog was created in the spring of 2009 by four students from Pacific Lutheran University, in Tacoma, Wash. Please visit Dr. Audrey Young’s website and blog for the most up-to-date information.

The House of Hope and Fear is the true story of Dr. Young’s patients: their struggle, survival, and triumph. Harborview provides care for a diverse population—from burn victims to prisoners, from the homeless to the rich. [Read more…]

Musings from Aubrey (not to be confused with Audrey) 05/05/2009

Posted by houseofhopeandfear in Book Progress.
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We finally finished the eNewsletter on May 5th.

We finally finished the eNewsletter on May 5th.

As the dubbed “designer” of the group I’ve busied myself with the more aesthetic persuasion of Operation HoHaF Website (and I love it). The team completed the flyer several days ago and (save for a few minor details) the professor thought it was great. We’re going for a very clean, simple, streamlined look for the design of the various HoHaF paraphernalia which includes both the flyer, eNewsletter, and blogsite. However, the book cover has been giving us a little bit of difficulty since the image itself is very busy and bright. With the flyer I managed to downplay the cover’s vivid presence, but as our professor warned, we won’t want to downplay it much more than that. She’s right.

I’m now pounding away at the eNewsletter project, which, though simple in design, is crazy complex when putting it into Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is like that ex-girlfriend who also your Residential Assistant in your dorm. Though you try to avoid her and work around her, eventually you lock yourself out of your room and have to apprehensively ask for help. She of course, will then make a trivial task a grueling problem that will leave you uncomfortable, naseaus, and frustrated as you endure every icy glare and biting comment so you can get back to your day. I’ve never had an ex-girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s like.

However, I’m slowly winning Dreamweaver back and the eNewsletter is coming along quite nicely. Now all that’s left is the blog, but that ball is left more in Isaac, Corinne, and Erika’s court so I’ll leave that newsflash up to them.

Eat cake, not pie.


HoHaF 05/05/2009

Posted by houseofhopeandfear in Book Progress.
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We finished the flyer May 5th.

We finished the flyer May 5th.

Hi, my name is Corinne and I am a senior at PLU. I am the pest on the project who nags everyone so we stay on schedule; I guess that makes me the project coordinator. Erika and I are also responsible for content development, but this is truly a team because we support even though we each have a specialty.

The flyer we designed started out as a white page with the book title, but we put our creative juices together and wholla! One by one, we took turns tweaking it and what you see here is the end-result; of course, Aubrey added the finishing touch. We had all these quirky ideas for the blog, but finally decided that each person should post a blog that was as diverse as we were.

We are now working on creating a website for The House of Hope and Fear.  So much behind-the-scenes work goes into creating a website and an e-newsletter that I have a new appreciation for the whole process.

As for the novel itself, reading HoHaF gave me a first-hand look at the life of doctors in the ER: the challenge of working with the public, the incredible workload, and the administrative gridlock they face. I always wondered what doctors thought about their patients, the pharmaceutical industry, and the healthcare system in general, and Audrey’s book was very eye-opening. I like the fact that she didn’t talk about the need for an alternative healthcare system, she showed it.

Find out for yourself and buy The House of Hope and Fear when it launches August 2009

Doors by Erika D. 05/05/2009

Posted by houseofhopeandfear in Book Progress.
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house-of-hope-and-fearSo last week I arrived at the Marriot Hotel with my 40L hiking backpack and no briefcase. I strode toward those revolving glass doors. Heavier than expected. No hiding what comes next. You guessed it. I pushed the handle, leaned it, and Whack—connected my forehead with the immaculate pane of glass.  Rubbing the sore spot furiously, I vowed to acquire a sense of depth perception before I ever ventured through those doors again. The pain was temporary. That is, until I saw the sliding automatic doors on either side, with people (no doubt inwardly snickering) gliding through unencumbered in and out of the building.  Two sets of doors? Why would anyone choose the glass hamster wheel?

In House of Hope and Fear, I learned that, at Harborview Medical Center, the doors stay open.  End of story. Doctors, administrators, ambulance drivers all work, and I mean work, to never turn anyone away that is in need, no matter their physical state or financial situation. Now, I did not need an emergency room for my head (they don’t treat bruised pride anyway) but I cannot help but imagine Seattle’s most vulnerable shuffling around and around through revolving doors at Harborview, trapped by invisible yet thick and solid glass.  And they never really make it in or out of the hospital. Instead, they go round and round. They spin and cycle through a healthcare system that doesn’t know quite what to do with them. No one wants their problems or costs.  And then there are the wide, carpeted, sliding automatic doors flanking the glass hamster cage. Mostly those with good insurance stream through these types of doors: they enter and exit hospitals no problem.  In Hope and Fear, Harborview claims the two-door model keeps it fiscally afloat. The expensive an insured surgeries fund the uninsured ER patients. Nevertheless, if healthcare is really going to change, we first need to realize that hospitals have two types of doors.  Reading House of Hope and Fear dirties the glass and makes these two doors visible. And really, why must they be glass? My forehead still tingles.

Privacy 05/05/2009

Posted by houseofhopeandfear in Patients.
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This blog is representative of The House of Hope and Fear Publishing Procedures group, but more specifically one of the four members named Isaac.

I took the challenge of discussing some of the issues that Audrey Young, author of HoHaF, may have gone through legally while dealing with publishing a patients name and why she must protect herself from potential lawsuits.

Hopefully I can touch on everything and not leave anything significant out of the puzzle, though my offering will be slight and brief. My goal is to raise a new understanding a sympathy out of this in regards to the difficulty for medical writers.

The short topic is privacy and this issue pertains to the legal terms of publicly disclosing private facts.

I will attempt to explain the details regarding this subject from the viewpoint of a journalism student.

The privacy tort tells us that in order for a plaintiff to have a valid case the questionable remarks made must be true; embarrassing information that causes mental anguish; not be of legitimate concern to the public; and highly offensive and objectionable. Keep in mind that this is a very short summary and involves much more.

This vulnerability may also contain details that further the idea of libel or defamation and/or can fall under issues of a doctor having the right to not testify in court.

As mentioned, this is very brief but after reading Audrey’s book the nuances can seem quite familiar once the process is complete.

In the case of a journalist it may be different, but these thoughts at least give an idea of what a doctor might have to deal with when protecting themselves from a potential lawsuit.

Check out Audrey’s new book coming in August!
